Kamis, 18 November 2010
Membuat Domain .com gratis
100%working sob!! hhehe
Selasa, 16 November 2010
Cara mengganti icon yang ada di addres bar blog anda..
Caranya Mudah, jika kita membuka suatu website atau blog maka seringkali kita menjumpai ada sebuah gambar atau icon pada address bar (kotak untuk mengetikkan alamat web). Dan jika kita punya blog di Blogspot maka icon default yang akan tampil adalah gambar seperti ini :

Bagi kamu yang tidak puas dengan icon/gambar tersebut, kamu bisa menggantinya dengan gambar sesuai dengan keinginanmu. caranya sangat mudah, yaitu dengan membuat gambar (gif, jpg, ico, dan lain2) dengan ukuran kira2 24x42 pixel sampai 32x32 pixel (sebenarnya ukurannya bebas sih, tapi biar filenya kecil dan proses membukanya cepat). Setelah itu .....
masuk ke "Layout --> Edit HTML" trus tempatkan script berikut sebelum kode
http://"fandigautama.blogspot.com/sonictrik.gif"' rel='SHORTCUT ICON'/>
setelah di paste ke HTML blog anda, rubah kata yang ditebalkan diatas dengan alamat file jpg, gif, atau ico yang sudah anda upload di site yang ada percayai.. anda bisa menggunakan000webhost atau bisa juga di photobucket dan juga di imageshack..
Selamat mencoba :))
Cara melihat file/folder yang terhiden virus
Cara sangat mudah kawan dengan memanfaatkan Command Propt:
1. Klik Start – Run
2. Pada Kotak Dialogs Run.. Ketikan CMD
3. Maka kotak Command Propt akan terbuka
4. Setelah Kotak Command Propt terbuka.. Ketikkan Nama Drive atau Letak Flash Dish. Contoh f: Enter,
5. Maka akan muncul Drive Flash atau Drive lain yang akan di buka Proteksi Hiddennya
6. Setelah Muncul Drive Flash tersebut.. Maka Ketikkan attrib –s –h *.* /s /d lalu Enter.
7. Proses attrib hidden sedang berjalan…
8. Setelah selesai memproses untuk membuka Hidden File… Maka akan muncul …
9. Nah.. disini kita dapat melihat.. file yang sudah terbuka Hiddennya dan membedakan File dan Folder mana yang Terkena Virus…
Mengecek file yang terdeteksi oleh virus
1. Untuk mengecek apakah file tersebut terkena atau terinfeksi oleh Virus.. maka klik View.. Detail…
2. Disini kita dapat membedakan File apa saja yang sudah terinfeksi Virus.. sebenarnya bukan terinfeksi.. tetapi virus tersebut membuat duplikat file dan meng hidden file aslinya…Disini file yang terinfeksi virus adalah file word yang terinfeksi menjadi extensien .exe atau Aplikasi.
3. Karena kita sudah mengetahui file mana saja yang terinfeksi virus… maka kita dapat langsung menghapus atau melakukan scanning menggunakan antivirus dan mendelete virus yang terdeteksi…
Silahkan mencoba.. :))
Mengatasi Blue screen

Blue screen yang berarti Layar Biru yang mematikan (Tenang, gak bikin yang punya PC sampe mati kok)hehe. Ya memang begitu kenyataannya, Mencari kesalahan ataupun kerusakan dengan error BSoD
Sebelumnya saya Kurang Tahu Masalah ini, tapi dengan banyak pengalaman menangani Komputer teman yang Rusak, saya mendapat banyak pelajaran,,
ini cukup menyusahkan, meskipun kita sudah dapat melacak kira-kira kesalahan/kerusakan yang menimbulkan BSoD ini lebih didominasi adanya kerusakan Hardware ataupun crash driver lama dan baru.
Nah untuk lebih jelasnya tentang BSoD dan cara mengatasi Blue Screen Tersebut berikut klasifikasi dan penyelesaiannya :
Error ini yang paling sering muncul pada saat terjadi Blue Screen.
Pesan kesalahan ini biasanya disebabkan kerena ada ketidakcocokan driver yang terinstall di komputer.
- Driver yang bentrok atau tidak cocok
- Permasalahan pada Video Card, hal ini mencakup video card yang di
overclock melebihi batas atau Anda baru berganti Video card dan Anda
belum menguninstall driver Video card lama dari chipset berbeda
- Permasalahan pada Audio Card, meliputi kesalahan konfigurasi atau bug dalam driver sound card
2. NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM atau FAT_FILE_SYSTEM (0X00000024) atau (0X00000023)
Pesan error ini setidaknya sudah sedikit memberikan gambaran di mana
kerusakan berada, yaitu ada di partisi atau filesystemnya tetapi bukan
di harddisknya.
Kita bisa melakukan pengecekan dengan memeriksa kabel SATA atau PATA atau bisa mengecek partisi dengan tool chkdsk.
Bila Anda mendapatkan pesan error seperti ini, dapat disebabkan karena:
- Overclock Hardware yang berlebihan
- Komponen komputer yang terlalu panas
- BIOS yang korup
- Memory dan CPU yang cacat
Pesan error ini disebabkan karena adanya kemungkinan bahwa memory atau slot memory di motherboard rusak.
Pesan error ini disebabkan karena adanya kerusakan hardware, termasuk
memory utama, memory video card, atau memory di processor (L2 Cache)
Pesan error ini disebabkan karena adanya kesalahan dalam konfigurasi
jumper harddisk yang salah, virus boot sector, driver IDE controller
yang salah, atau kesalahan driver chipset.
Pesan error ini disebabkan karena adanya Kesalahan terjadi pada
instalasi driver video card yang kurang sempurna, restart pada saat
instalasi atau juga dapat terjadi karena kesalahan dalam instalasi
Pesan error ini disebabkan karena adanya Kesalahan ini dapat terjadi
karena kesalahan atau driver yang tidak kompatibel. Sering terjadi saat
melakukan instalasi XP dari upgrade, atau bukan dari instalasi baru.
Pesan error ini disebabkan karena adanya kerusakan RAM
Pesan error ini disebabkan oleh cacatnya CPU, atau yang di overclock
secara agresif, serta power supply yang kekurangan daya atau rusak.
Sabtu, 13 November 2010
Services and Marketing
- Merakit komputer
- Instalasi Software
- Instalasi Driver
- Instalasi jaringan (warnet, etc)
Harga Hardisk di Harco Mangga 2, 3 November 2010
SEAGATE 80 GB SATA – ORI | Rp. | 275,000 |
SEAGATE 160 GB SATA – ORI | Rp. | 312,445 |
SEAGATE 250 GB SATA – RESMI | Rp. | 315,123 |
SEAGATE 500 GB SATA – RESMI | Rp. | 360,204 |
SEAGATE 80GB IDE-ORI | Rp. | 383,861 |
SEAGATE / SAMSUNG 40GB IDE | Rp. | 200,858 |
SAMSUNG 250GB SATA -3 THN | Rp. | 321,372 |
WDC 320GB SATA -3 THN | Rp. | 325,836 |
SEAGATE 80 GB 7200RPM IDE | Rp. | 267,810 |
SEAGATE 80 GB 7200RPM SATA – R | Rp. | 245,493 |
SEAGATE 160 GB 7200RPM SATA – R | Rp. | 263,347 |
SEAGATE 250 GB/300GB 7200RPM SATA – R | Rp. | 278Rb/285Rb |
SEAGATE RAPTOR 320GB EXT | Rp. | 424,033 |
SEAGATE 250 GB NOTEBOOK | Rp. | 355,000 |
SEAGATE RAPTOR/AXIO 250GB EXT | Rp. | 374,934 |
IMATION 320GB EXT | Rp. | 425,000 |
Harga Mainboard/motherboard Update 1 November 2010M/B ADVANCE G31 (G31, VGA+SC+LAN, LGA 775) DDR2 Rp 321,840 |
Kamis, 11 November 2010
What is a Computer?
A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or "data." It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. You can use a computer to type documents, send email, and surf the Internet. You can also use it to handle spreadsheets, accounting, database management, presentations, games, and more.
Whether you realize it or not, computers play an important role in our lives. When you withdraw cash from an ATM, scan groceries at the store, or use a calculator, you're using a type of computer.
Internet benefits
The use of the Internet offers a variety of benefits to everyone who is willing to use it. The enormous amount of information available and the many uses one can have through the internet have made it the most valuable tool in various settings of a person’s life. The Internet has an enormous amount of publications added on it every day and it’s evolving as the most powerful source of information. Also, use of the Internet has made jobs easier and oversimplified tasks that would take an enormous amount of time before. Moreover, the Internet has become a great tool for avoiding the hassles of the bank, offering the chance to make the transactions quickly and safely. It also offers a powerful source for shopping and the easiness of having your products delivered straight to your house, should you decide you do not want to go out. Furthermore, the widespread use of the Internet has opened new areas of jobs in all countries and expanded the availabilities of working from home. Last, the Internet is one of the most valuable tools in educations since it provides an enormous amount of information and is the greatest source of reference for educators and students. The electronic libraries are of utmost importance for University students looking for scientific information for their courses. Another major benefit of the internet is its ability to minimize distances and provide communication services efficiently and without any cost. In general, the Internet is a multi-tool with applications on every aspect of someone’s life.
The available material, programs, websites and other services of the internet are multiplied every day, revolutionizing the technology being used. Its applications grow exponentially and it would be impossible to outline everything in this booklet. The most important aspect of the Internet evolution however, is that its exponential growth allows it to ease and transform people’s life and increase their knowledge.
Some people say “time is money”. Some others say that time is precious and should not be wasted. Whatever applies to you however, one thing is true: Today’s needs and demands of society have taken over our time that feels it’s not enough for doing everything we need to be doing every day. The appearance of the Internet saving matter came as a life saver for many tasks that would take days to complete before. The ability of the internet to store materials, its ability to calculate instantly almost anything, and its worldwide application databases had made tasks much easier and less time consuming in almost every industry on the planet.
The advanced technologies of the internet managed to free people from the hassles of losing an enormous amount of time waiting in the line to be served at the bank branches. Internet banking is the easy way of dealing with bank transactions safely and quickly. Internet banking offers a wide range of transactions that can be done including bill payments and transfers. Internet banking is convenient also in that it is available twenty-four hours a day.
Did you ever find yourself in a position that urgently needed to go out and buy something but was not in the mood or did not have the time to go out and do it? If your answer is yes, then the internet can solve your problem. The Internet enables you to buy anything you need from the comfort of your own house. Many supermarkets take online orders and deliver the stock within the day at your doorstep. Many consumer stores offer online purchases about almost anything you can imagine (shoes, clothes, apparel, accessories). Online shopping can save you time and money since it offers a wide range of specials in much cheaper prices than what you will find in the actual stores.
Another benefit that the internet has brought into our lives is that ever since the internet has been introduced, new areas of jobs and careers have opened up to the public. Web designing, computer technician and programmer, are among the many that are found at their peak demand for employers. Almost every company nowadays, needs to have a website that promotes its products and patents that web designers are among the most highly requested professionals needed. Furthermore, consultants, sellers, dealers and all sorts of professionals are needed to promote and help people over the internet. The training needed is of high education and career opportunities through the web are exquisite. Housewives, mothers and disabled people, can now have a chance to work from their house and earn money that would otherwise be difficult to obtain.
The biggest benefit of the internet can be found in the educational sector. Educators can obtain learning material from it, prepare courses online and deliver audio/visual information to students. For instructors it is a valuable source for referencing material and enhancing the knowledge of their students. The Internet provides a great place for conferencing and collaborating with students from all over the world. Students can search for information regarding their school courses via electronic libraries who offer a great variety of journals and scientific articles. The resources available over the net cover almost every aspect of the school curriculum and students have a valuable machine for enhancing their knowledge and expanding their assigned work.
One of the most important benefits offered from the wide applications of the internet is communication. The internet managed to eliminate distances and provide people with a unique opportunity to talk, watch and have fun with their loved ones, friends or acquaintances. Chat rooms, messenger services, emails and conferencing programs are the most common uses for communicating over the internet. People can enjoy the benefits of the cheap communication and maintain close contact with loved ones from all over the world.